Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flashpoint Changes Everything

DC Comics is relaunching their universe with 52 new #1 issues in September after Flashpoint concludes. New books, reboots and the creative teams. I have a feeling that Superman and Lois Lane will not be married with this relaunch, much like what Marvel did with Spider-Man and Mary Jane. Haven't picked up Spider-Man since then. Costumes have been completely changed (Wonder Girl of the Teen Titans) or altered (Superman has no red trunks and boots are different).

Of the 52 books, there is no mention of the The Justice Society or others from that series, with the exception of Mr. Terrific getting a series. The Wildstorm Universe of characters merged into the DC Universe with 3 books - Grifter, Stormwatch and Voodoo. Some of these were my favorites back in the 80's. DC's website has a complete run down of all 52 books.

I'm not sure how I'm liking this idea. They missed the bus years ago when they did Crisis on Infinite Earths. They've tried to correct it through the years, which made things even worse. Marvel also tried a similar thing with Heroes Reborn. Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, The Avengers and Fantastic Four rebooted their history in an alternate universe. Reception on that wasn't too well received, even with creators like Jim Lee and Rob Liefeld on the project.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Last Thursday GR2 hosted a button making event with Christen Carter from Busy Beaver Button Co. You could draw your own, use pictures or collage from clippings to make your button. I made these three 2.25" buttons. Top one was my first and the gold one with the fish was that last.

Wasn't too sure what to draw for my first button, so I drew my bunny character. Think it would have come out better if I drew it in pencil first. Not good in using a pen/marker to draw with. My second one came out a little better... volcano erupting on an island. I thought this one out a little more when I drew it. The third one came out the best and my favorite. Found this piece of gold paper and was instantly inspired. This time I found a pencil to sketch out my piece first.

I hope GR2 does this event again. It was super fun to create these.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Getting Back On Track...

Can't believe I haven't been on here in almost a year. It's time to get back on track with this blog, now that I have been able to put a few things back in order.

Being a graphic designer in the print publishing industry during these times has been rough, with publications being canceled or shifted and advertising down. It's gotten a little bit better through adapting and a lot of hard work. Just wish I could get some lost hours back...

Got bit by the Facebook games... Not good. Farmville, Frontierville, CafeWorld and Cityville are the ones I have been playing the most. These took up a lot of my creative time. Even the games I bought for my system consoles have been stacking up. Some I have yet to play... COD:MW, Halo: Reach and Fable 3.

I've been attending a lot of art shows and meeting artists there. Think that has helped motivate me to get things back on track. Inspiration might just be the key. Recently GR2 held Drawing Club and that that was the first time, in a long while, I had gotten creative with a pencil that wasn't a doodle on a notepad.

Hoping I keep this up again... SDCC and AX is coming up soon too.