Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SDCC Items: Deviled Haminal

I try to roam around the Small Press Table area of SDCC a couple of times or more. That area is on the other end of the Con, which can take 15 minutes or more to get there. It usually depends on the timing of the exclusives being released at the other booths though. In the past I found some nice looking prints and plush items being sold there. Even Kerry and Darth had a table promoting their Evil Ice Cream there once.

This year there were 2 items I really had to get from from there. One was from Crystal Chesney Thompson the other from Camilla d'Errico.

I think it was at SDCC 2007 that I bought the first Haminal from Crystal Chesney Thompson's booth. I remember seeing one of the plush Haminals at Dan's Mr. Toast booth. The pink Haminal plush came in a rectangular can (like Spam) with a styrofoam pineapple slice (which does not fit in the can). The can itself looked a bit hadmade and the lid did not stay closed. Have to use a rubberband to keep the lid on. I loved the way it looked and just had to have one of them. Another reason I needed to get it was that it reminds me of Spam and I grew up eating that stuff since it is a popular food staple in Hawaii (mom's side of the family is from there). I asked him where he got that from, he pointed me in the direction and I got it. When I heard that she was releasing a Deviled Haminal for SDCC 2009, I had to get that one too. These are limited to 500 pieces. Each plastic can is numbered on the bottom, which she also signed. I got number 30/500. The lid on these fit perfectly, but the pineapple slice still does not fit inside the can. I even picked up a mini plush Haminal. Crystal also has a book, shirts and a plush sushi Haminal plush too. Next time I am going to have to ask if she can do a sketch in my book.

Camilla d'Errico is an illustrator/artist with a manga influenced style. Her brightly colored paintings and prints are gorgeous. She has done some work in manga and even has her own series of books, Burn and Tanpopo. Some of her art style in the books reminds me of illustrations from Serial Experiments: LAIN. The item I had to get from her table was the plush Kuro from her Tanpopo series. He is limited to 1500 pieces. This one is in black. I did see a white one, which is not yet available, on her table and another at the DKE booth. The white one has an open mouth. Unfortunately when I went there to get it she was away at a panel, so I didn't get a chance to meet her. Maybe next year...


Sidd said...

These are great pieces. Kuro is especially charming. Haminal makes me laugh. I can't even imagine all the unique and wonderful things you saw at SDCC, and I have a healthy imagination.

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