The new movie takes us to where the characters from original tv series meet for the first time and started... much younger and attending Starfleet Academy. So it takes place well after the Enterprise series and way before the original series. The actors did a very good job portraying these iconic characters for young and old fans. From recognizable phrases like, "I'm a doctor, not a..." by McCoy and Spock's "facinating" to Chekov's accent. I thought that Karl Urban's portrayal of a younger Dr. McCoy was the best. Simon Pegg, who plays Scotty, got the least screen time, since he shows up way later in the film. Would have liked to see him a bit more. ILM did a very good job with the visual effects.
The film relaunches the Star Trek franchise in a new direction with this new group of actors, some really nice effects, action, funny moments and a pretty good storyline. Although I thought it could have been a little longer (2 hour movie). Do I think there will be another movie (or two)... Oh Yeah! Don't see why they wouldn't... Star Trek for a new generation. I'm kinda on the fence about the storyline, only because it has to do with altering timelines/reality of Star Trek history. But I can live with all that if it continues the franchise with movies like this.
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