The first official day of E3 begins today at noon when the doors to the exhibit hall opens. Nintendo gets things started at their press conference at 9am. Announcing Wii Sports Resort, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Bros. Wii, Metroid: The Other M, Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, Kingdom Hearts: 365/2 Days, Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers, Style Savvy, new Golden Sun game and Dead Space: Extraction.
Sony's press conference followed, not too long after Nintendo's, highlighting: Uncharted 2, MAG: Massive Action Game, Hannah Montana PSP bundle, PSP Go, Gran Turismo PSP, Final Fantasy XIV, Metal Gear Solid PSP, modNation Racers, Last Guardian, God of War 3, Assasin's Creed 2, Eye Toy 2 and a new motion control.
Excited about Super Mario Bros. Wii with 4 player co-op, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and... Metroid: The Other M... Team Ninja + Nintendo = AWESOME! Although not announced at the press conference, a new Zelda game should be coming out in 2010. Only things from Sony that caught my interest was the 256 player MAG: Massive Action Game and God of War 3.
There were just so many games to play on the exhibit floor I wasn't sure where to start. So I headed to Nintendo first and worked my way around to all the other booths from there. Some of the games I got to try out at the booths were: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Sports Resort (amazing), Rabbids Go Home (hillarious), Toy Story Mania (based off the ride itself Disney ride), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Katamari Forever, Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, Afrika (graphically stunning), Marvel Super Hero Squad, TMNT: Smash Up, All Star Cheer Squad 2, Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, Lego: Rock Band, Samurai Showdown: Edge of Destiny and King of Fighters XII.