In one of my previous posts I mentioned that the floorplan of the studio was being rearranged to accommodate my new studio partner. Wasn't sure how this was going to work out, but I knew it wasn't going to be too much of a problem. My other studio partner and I really never had a lot of things in there to begin with. Basically there was only the 2 desks, tv, sofa, small fridge, restaurant booth and a magazine rack. Majority of Ty's stuff was sewing equipment, supplies, materials, fabric, worktables, cabinets, racks and a few other things. It was a little tough to figure out how to fit them in, but I think it worked out in the end.

The platform with the restaurant booth and the sofa/tv were a bit of a problem. My previous studio partner and I built the platform just for that booth. Only thing is that we anchored it to the floor. So it really can't be moved. The sofa we have is just a little too long with all the stuff there now. TV has a similar problem with it being about 30"-32" and needed to be in an area you could see the screen. Plus the cable connection is there. TV stayed in the corner where it was and the sofa is against the wall next to it instead of in front of it. Think we're still deciding on selling it.

Thought about attaching the corner piece to form my desk into the "L" shape it was originally purchased at. That way it would fit perfectly in the corner of the studio where it was located before. That didn't quite work out. The only way I could make it work is by putting the longer desk behind, me against the wall, with the smaller one in front of me. Actually this worked even better because I have a better window view now. Still have to figure out where I am going to put that color lazerprinter... I think I just worked out the placement of the scanner.
Organizing is one of those challenges that is actually enjoyable. Usually. Looks like you are using the space well. You said you have a laser printer? What kind? I'm hoping to pick one up to print my greeting cards etc. Any recommendations?
I think the printer we have is a Tektronik, which is now owned by Xerox. It's an older model that is a big cube and really heavy.
The Xerox 5200n I have been using at my job seems to print very nice. It uses what looks to be wax-based ink cubes. It prints nice, but doesn't handle double-sided printing too well. Plus the ink is not cheap. Think it's $85-$95 for 3 cubes of one color.
It's better to go with a commercial printer for card printing. You get much better results. Or another option would be to try your hand at silk screening them yourself. I've done a little of that before. Can be a bit of work, depending on your image though. Think they might even sell kits for that now.
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