I do have to say something about how the screening was handled though. I got to the screening a little before 3pm and was the first person there (screening was at 7pm). They were letting VIP and media go in before us, after checking in, and there were quite a few of them going into the theater. By 6:45pm, which was the time they were letting us in, there had to be over 200 people in line. When they started to let us in, we were told to sit in the first 3 rows only (about 25 seats per row). About 85-90% of the seating was reserved for VIP and media and we got the first 3 rows? WTF?! It looked like about 35-40 of us were let into the screening before some of us noticed that the very first row was empty and some of the seats around us were not getting filled. In fact there were quite a few unoccupied seats scattered around. We later noticed that people with the screening passes had not come through the door since all of us first came in. Then a few minutes later the curtains went up, lights went out and the movie started. All the seats were never filled and 150-200+ people still waiting in line to get in never did. That really sucked for them cause another 75-100 could have bit fit in easily. If they only knew of all the unoccupied seats...
Very odd the way they handled the seating. Really enjoyed your blog post on the movie. Makes me even more excited to see it. Did you happen to watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles on TV? I loved it! Heard they were thinking of canceling it. I'm distraught.
Thanks Sidd.
I do watch the series and have heard it might be canceled along with Dollhouse. Still hoping it doesn't...
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